Saturday, August 13, 2011

New beginnings. For real this time.

So I went to the New Beginnings meeting for the fourth consecutive week, and we really talked about some interesting subjects tonight. I decided I was going to talk with the group about the problem I was having with the homosexual being in my Business/Marketing group. I told them that it really bothered me just to be in the guys presence. I told them how my preacher back home used to speak out against homosexuality in his sermons on a regular basis. The meeting was going so well that we even discussed my situation with my dad. The first thing they told me was that I needed to do was to let the Lord be the judge of people, and the importance of me building my own personal relationship with the God. They thought that I was being overly concerned with the guys sexual orientation, and reminded me that the purpose of me being in the group was to enhance my learning of Business and Marketing. They also told me that no man is perfect, and that we all are inherently sinners in need of being born again. That discussion really made me think. It made me think of some of the bad things I have done, and about some of the evil thoughts that pass through my mind occasionally throughout the day, and I realized that I do need the God and his word. I do need to worry about my own relationship with God and stop being so judgemental towards others. That's when I told them how prejudice my father is back home. They prayed for me and my father to learn to be more multicultural in our opinions. They also prayed for the relationship between my father and I to be strengthened. I really appreciated the love that they showed me at the meeting. I feel really grateful to God that he has finally given me friends that I can talk to right here on campus. I am going to do some research on this multicultural Idea. I never really heard of anything like that. I am meeting all kinds of different people; people that come from many different diverse backgrounds than I. I will try not to judge anyone so harshly anymore. I really hate being prejudice like my father and his brothers. My mother was always right. She told me there are bad people from every race and ethnicity. She would say that not all people are bad. There are bad people, and there are good people; that goes for black people, native Americans, or any other race/ethnicity of people. The people at New Beginnings are from a various group of cultures and ethnicities. They all seem like very nice people to me. I really believe that color doesn't matter. This sexual orientation thing is still a difficult subject for me to handle, but I am willing to try to be non judgemental toward the homosexual guy at the group meeting next week. I will keep you posted.

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